King David Pizza inside Mount Sinai Hospital
Facility Dairy, Restaurants/Cafes/Take-Out Address 600 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5G 1X5(416)509-7907
Facility Dairy, Restaurants/Cafes/Take-Out Address 600 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5G 1X5(416)509-7907
Many orthodox Rabbis says: Magen (Mogen) David Wine is not 100% Kosher
Ember Grill is Kosher! New Glatt Kosher restaurant, Ember Kosher, is just a few steps from the most popular Cancun hotels. and under the Kashrus of KMD- Star of David (Badatz of Mexico City). During your stay, let our NY and Cancun based managers show you how easy travelling kosher to Cancun can be. Address: …
Question I live in Brooklyn., NY, which is has far the largest orthodox jewish population anywhere on this planet. My question to you is regarding an item with a not known-to-me Kashrus Supervision. I purchased the following item here in Flatbush (Brooklyn,NY) in a non-jewish owned grocery. Kindly reply if the ‘Hechsher‘ is at all …
Cosmetic Surgery – Rabbi Chaim Jachter Introduction Last week we introduced the question as to whether Halacha permits cosmetic surgery. We cited rulings by Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Yaakov Breisch who permitted a young woman who was experiencing difficulty finding an appropriate Shidduch to undergo cosmetic surgery to improve her appearance. This week we …
Continue reading “Is Cosmetic Plastic Surgery allow By Halacha?”
Rabbi Yacov Felder is the chairman of Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth and bais din for COR, rabbi at Shomrei Shabbos and community leader. About Rabbi Yacov Felder – SSCM Rabbi Rabbi Yacov Shalom Felder, Shlita, was born in Toronto, the fifth child of the late Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l and Rebbetzin Henna Aidel Felder, a’h. In …
Kosher Symbols & Signs. The rules of kashrut dictate which foods and drinks can be eaten, how animals must be slaughtered, and how to separate meat and dairy. Kosher animals are more passive in nature (see Hirsch). Some of these laws are driven by compassion for animals, others have different explanations (such as). A kosher …