Rabbi Yacov Felder is the chairman of Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth and bais din for COR, rabbi at Shomrei Shabbos and community leader.
About Rabbi Yacov Felder – SSCM Rabbi
Rabbi Yacov Shalom Felder, Shlita, was born in Toronto, the fifth child of the late Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l and Rebbetzin Henna Aidel Felder, a’h. In Toronto, Rabbi Yacov Felder attended Eitz Chaim Day School and Ner Israel Yeshiva. He then studied in Yeshivos in the United States, followed by advanced studies at the Kollel Avreichim of Toronto. Rabbi Felder received his Smicha from Rabbi Shlomo Miller, Shlita, of Kollel Avreichim of Toronto.
In 1984, Rabbi Felder married Raisy Hendler of Toronto. Rebbetzin Felder is the daughter of Rav and Mrs. Yecheskel David Hendler, a well-known and illustrious Toronto family. In 1986, Rabbi Yacov Felder was installed as Assistant Rabbi of Shomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos congregation. Following the passing of his father, Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l, Rabbi Yacov Felder became the Rav of the Shul.
It seems that Go-D’s blessing ” Uberachticha bechol Asher taaseh” relates to business ventures that people engage in. It seems that there is more latitude for profit and reaping large rewards from business transactions . Not everyone has the ability to set up a business and arrange, negotiate and complete ( close) business transactions. There are magazines that are published that deal with business and people invest money in the stock market. It is stated, ” Velo Lol Hamarbeh Bschorah Machkim”. Perhaps there are people in your congregation that would welcome you or me or another person to work together with them in gathering information for and contemplating business transactions. It says that a person should try to do business with the merchandise of a Talmud Chacham and a Talmud Chacham is forbidden to depreciate themselves in front of an ignoramus( am haaretz).