Forever Cocoa (Chocolate Concepts) bear COR?


Broker Tov. I got a gift package at work of dozen of Chocolate Concepts & Forever Cocoa. I see it marked Kosher on but the gift package does not have COR symbol. Picture attached. ? מה הדין
! יישר כח


Chocolate Concepts Inc on Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada was under Hashgacha but not anymore, therefor they are NOT kosher. If you scroll right in the search results, you will see that their kashrut certificate  is not valid (expired).

What is Mashgiach?

A mashgiach (Hebrew: משגיח כשרות‬) is a Jew who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment. A mashgiach may supervise any type of food service establishment, including slaughterhouses, food manufacturers, hotels, caterers, nursing homes, restaurants, butchers, groceries, or cooperatives. The mashgiach usually works as the on-site supervisor and inspector, representing a kosher certification agency or a local rabbi, who actually makes the policy decisions for what is or is not acceptably kosher.

The requirements for becoming a mashgiach are being Jewish, being Sabbath-observant (shomer Shabbat), being Torah-observant (shomer mitzvot), have Yirat Shamayim (fear of Heaven) and personally fulfilling the laws of kashrut (shomer kashrut).

A mashgiach takes on a great responsibility and the burden of a community. The mashgiach puts their good name and the name of the community on everything done on their watch.

Depending on the assignment, which usually divide into two tasks – Commercial and Restaurants; the mashgiach must be familiar with the halachos of slaughtering meat, cooking meat and fish, and separating meat and dairy. He must be knowledgeable about the way boilers and shipping vessels work, since high temperatures and long storage times can affect the status of kosher foods. It has been said that in addition to knowledge of Jewish law, a mashgiach must be familiar with “engineering, entomology, metallurgy, boiler treatment, food chemistry, and world market trends”.

A mashgiach is required whenever meat or fish is prepared or cooked. They check fresh eggs for blood spots before they are used in cooking, and must inspect all vegetables for forbidden insects before use.

The mashgiach is responsible for performing the mitzvah of challah, the tithe of dough set aside for consumption by a kohen. (Some perform this in the diaspora, whereas in Israel it is always burnt.)

The mashgiach must also light pilot lights and turn on cooking and heating equipment to satisfy minimum requirements of bishul Yisroel (food cooked by a Jew) and pas Yisroel (bread baked by a Jew), in a way that a Jew must be involved in the cooking of any kosher food “fit for a king’s table.”[3] To satisfy requirements for Sephardic Jews, the mashgiah may be required to play an even more active role in the cooking process.

One of the most pressing and often difficult jobs of a mashgiach, however, is the checking in and verification of shipments. The mashgiach must ensure that every food product that arrives at the facility has a reliable hechsher (certification) before it is used.  In addition to checking hechsherim, the mashgiach must also check that all meat products that arrive are Glatt (literally “smooth” with no Kashrus Issues) and double sealed, usually by inner and outer plastic bags or an inner plastic bag and a sealed box, and that all wine is kosher wine.

“Kosher for Pessach / Passover”

It is x 10 times complicated to be Mashgiach during and before Pessach / Passover. Stay tune for more articles to be posted about Pessach >>.

What is Cholov Yisroel?

Chalav Yisrael (Hebrew: חלב ישראל), common Ashkenazi pronunciation Cholov Yisroel, is a Halacha term which refers to all dairy products, including cheese and non-fat dry milk powder, which derive from milk that has been milked under the supervision of a religiously observant Jew.

Welchs Grape Juice

Some Welchs products are Kosher

Many Welch grape-juices produced with the Manishevits brand have the OU hechsher as well as the Beth Din Minchas Chinuch Tartikov. As result those products are certainly kosher. Some of the products that just have the OU may have been grandfathered from earlier manishevitz production

Products made from grape juice, including wine, are only Kosher if produced by Jews. This is derived from the ritualistic religious use of wine by non-Jews (as well as Jews); an entire vineyard, or an entire pressing of the grapes would be dedicated to a god other than that of the Jews, and if some of the product would find its way to be consumed by Jews, or even used for Kiddush, that would constitute idolatry or sacrilege. Such wine is known as Yayin Nesech, and may not be consumed, even if the wine was known not to have been used in a religious ceremony. Though modern wine is rarely used in a religious context, all wine from non-Jewish sources is still considered not Kosher.

One area of leniency is with pasteurized (or cooked) wine (mevushal in Hebrew), which is viewed as less suitable for religious practices, and is therefore subject to fewer prohibitions than un-cooked non-Jewish wine, primarily regarding the way it may be handled. However, even mevushal wine is forbidden without proper supervision.

As a consequence, many candies, drinks, and other foods are often not available in grape flavor. Many blends of fruit juices are also flavored with white grape juice, and are thus viewed as grape products.

Traibering Deveining (Nikkur)

The process of removing the nerve is called Deveining or Traibering from an Aramaic word meaning fat, or Nikkur, meaning to clean, in Hebrew. This process is complicated and post the 13th century was rarely done, as there was an abundance of other meat cuts available. Nowadays, mainly in Israel, it has come back into practice, mainly due to the fact that some of the choicer cuts of meat come from the hind-quarters*.

Glatt Kosher of Hindquarter Meat

Exclude Israel there’s no national kosher certification in the U.S. is willing to supervise the nikkur of the more commonly eaten domesticated meats such as beef and lamb.

I found this Beit Din of the Sepharadi communities of Queens, NY do Kashering and selling this premium pieces of meat.

The removal of the gid hanasheh (Hebrew: גִּיד הַנָּשֶׁה‎) and chelev (forbidden fats) is called nikkur. Since it is labor intensive to remove all the forbidden parts of the hindquarters of an animal, the entire hindquarters are usually sold to the non-kosher market outside of Israel and a few other markets with sufficient Jewish populations to justify the expense.

* The typical hindquarter weighs around 175lbs hanging(Hanging weight is the un-cut un-boned weight).

Do you have list of Pessach Certified Toothpastes?

Click here for list of Kosher for Passover Toothpaste List

Rav Schwartz (CRC) holds toothpaste does not require hashgachah, but…[Read more]

Toothpastes are Kosher because it is not pleasant tasting and not swallowed

The most kashrus sensitive ingredient often found in toothpaste is glycerin, which is often animal based, and usually makes up one third of the product. Unquestionably, glycerin without a hechsher should be assumed non-kosher. Nevertheless, Rav Yackov Kaminetzky ztl ruled that toothpastes containing glycerin were permissible since the primary ingredient in toothpaste was calcium carbonate, which is inedible. Rav Yackov reasoned that the requirement of requiring 60 times the amount of heter in proportion to issur (bitul bishishim) did not apply to a non-food item. Since calcium carbonate constituted a majority of the paste, the glycerin would be nullified based on the principle of bitul berov. Source:

Do you have Talit talis catalog?

For Talitania Catalog Contact us >>  To see the catalog click here >>


About Talitania Talitos

Talitnia is a family owned business, established and managed by the Avner family, producing prayer shawls for five generations. The story of the plant starts in the late 19th century in Poland, moves to Israel at the beginning of the 20th century, and follows the important events of the Jewish people and the Zionist movement in this period: the town in Poland, the immigration to Israel, the Holocaust, the Israeli War of Independence and the rebirth of the Jewish nation in our country.

Weaving, an ancient art reinvented

The art of weaving was probably invented in Ancient Egypt, and our ancestors were familiar with it too as can be deduced from its mentioning in the bible. For many generations the basic weaving techniques and the ancient structure of the loom remained unchanged, and the weaving was done at home or in small workshops. In this manner, the Prayer shawls were woven in the different Jewish communities in the diaspora. Different communities developed their own styles, mostly expressed and reflected in the width stripes incorporated into the weft yarns.
All this has changed at the end of the 18th century with the invention of the mechanical loom. This invention has transformed the production of textile and has announced the industrial revolution. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard has presented another revolution, a mechanical loom with the capacity for automatic complex pattern weaving using punch cards; an invention that one day in the future will contribute to the invention of the first computers.

Weaving was not a traditional Jewish occupation in Eastern Europe, except for weaving prayer shawls, which demands the involvement of a Jewish artisan to ensure a kosher Jewish prayer shawl. However, Jews specialized in wool and textile trade as well as in banking, enabling them to finance the purchase of new looms and set up textile mills. This soon developed into a thriving textile industry in Poland, mostly in Jewish hands, centered mainly around Lodz and Bialystok.

Custom Tailored Prayer Shawls

If you wish to give away to your guests a unique tallit at a special family events such as bar mitzvahs, weddings or a day of remembrance, contributions to the congregation, or for any other purpose, we will gladly help you to fulfill your dream.

Our design department is ready to fulfill any request, and offer unique design solutions for every idea and every dream of yours.