Can I learn Torah on Christmas day or Nittel Nacht?

Is it better to learn, or not learn Torah (playing chess) on XMS and Nittel Nacht (Yiddish: ניטל נאַכט‎)?

There are two opinions (שיטות): It is a mitzvah or it is forbidden.

It is a Mitzvah De’oraita

It is a mitzvah de’oraita of learning Torah every day and night. After all, what’s more important — a mitzvah de’oraita, or an Minhag Goyim? Obviously, the latter.

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What is Mashgiach?

A mashgiach (Hebrew: משגיח כשרות‬) is a Jew who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment. A mashgiach may supervise any type of food service establishment, including slaughterhouses, food manufacturers, hotels, caterers, nursing homes, restaurants, butchers, groceries, or cooperatives. The mashgiach usually works as the on-site supervisor and inspector, representing a kosher certification agency or a local rabbi, who actually makes the policy decisions for what is or is not acceptably kosher.

The requirements for becoming a mashgiach are being Jewish, being Sabbath-observant (shomer Shabbat), being Torah-observant (shomer mitzvot), have Yirat Shamayim (fear of Heaven) and personally fulfilling the laws of kashrut (shomer kashrut).

A mashgiach takes on a great responsibility and the burden of a community. The mashgiach puts their good name and the name of the community on everything done on their watch.

Depending on the assignment, which usually divide into two tasks – Commercial and Restaurants; the mashgiach must be familiar with the halachos of slaughtering meat, cooking meat and fish, and separating meat and dairy. He must be knowledgeable about the way boilers and shipping vessels work, since high temperatures and long storage times can affect the status of kosher foods. It has been said that in addition to knowledge of Jewish law, a mashgiach must be familiar with “engineering, entomology, metallurgy, boiler treatment, food chemistry, and world market trends”.

A mashgiach is required whenever meat or fish is prepared or cooked. They check fresh eggs for blood spots before they are used in cooking, and must inspect all vegetables for forbidden insects before use.

The mashgiach is responsible for performing the mitzvah of challah, the tithe of dough set aside for consumption by a kohen. (Some perform this in the diaspora, whereas in Israel it is always burnt.)

The mashgiach must also light pilot lights and turn on cooking and heating equipment to satisfy minimum requirements of bishul Yisroel (food cooked by a Jew) and pas Yisroel (bread baked by a Jew), in a way that a Jew must be involved in the cooking of any kosher food “fit for a king’s table.”[3] To satisfy requirements for Sephardic Jews, the mashgiah may be required to play an even more active role in the cooking process.

One of the most pressing and often difficult jobs of a mashgiach, however, is the checking in and verification of shipments. The mashgiach must ensure that every food product that arrives at the facility has a reliable hechsher (certification) before it is used.  In addition to checking hechsherim, the mashgiach must also check that all meat products that arrive are Glatt (literally “smooth” with no Kashrus Issues) and double sealed, usually by inner and outer plastic bags or an inner plastic bag and a sealed box, and that all wine is kosher wine.

“Kosher for Pessach / Passover”

It is x 10 times complicated to be Mashgiach during and before Pessach / Passover. Stay tune for more articles to be posted about Pessach >>.

Is SIKS Kosher?

This is the letter we have received from SIKS. We are not vouch for the accuracy of the information.

Dear Ekollel Site,

Please let us introduce our Kosher Supervision and Certification Organization.

The “Kosher-SIKS” (Services International Kosher Supervision Ltd.) mission is to provide Kosher Supervision and Kosher Certification to food industries worldwide, including Kosher Food Supervision and Certification for Passover.

Rabbi Moshe Saadoun, Shalita, our Chief Kashrut Administrator has twenty years of experience in Kashrut. Situated in Israel and Italy, our Kashrut SIKS is worldwide recognized.

We’d appreciate a lot to know which is the procedure to add our SIKS Symbol at your site-page: eKollel – Kosher Symbols.

Looking forward to receive your answer as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards

Siks Ltd Office
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Badatz Rubin Rechovot

Badatz Mehadrin – Rabbi Avraham Rubin
Home Badatz Mehadrin – Rabbi Avraham Rubin

Feel free to contact us 647-831-4916

Kashrus Administrator: Rabbi Yisrael Bernstein

10 Miriam Mizrachi St., 6th Floor, Room 18, Rechovot, 76106 Israel

(9728) 939-0816

(9728) 939-0818

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Rabbi Yacov Felder

Rabbi Yacov Felder is the chairman of Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth and bais din for COR, rabbi at Shomrei Shabbos and community leader.

About Rabbi Yacov Felder – SSCM Rabbi

Rabbi Yacov Shalom Felder, Shlita, was born in Toronto, the fifth child of the late Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l and Rebbetzin Henna Aidel Felder, a’h. In Toronto, Rabbi Yacov Felder attended Eitz Chaim Day School and Ner Israel Yeshiva. He then studied in Yeshivos in the United States, followed by advanced studies at the Kollel Avreichim of Toronto. Rabbi Felder received his Smicha from Rabbi Shlomo Miller, Shlita, of Kollel Avreichim of Toronto.

In 1984, Rabbi Felder married Raisy Hendler of Toronto. Rebbetzin Felder is the daughter of Rav and Mrs. Yecheskel David Hendler, a well-known and illustrious Toronto family. In 1986, Rabbi Yacov Felder was installed as Assistant Rabbi of Shomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos congregation. Following the passing of his father, Rabbi Gedalia Felder, zt’l, Rabbi Yacov Felder became the Rav of the Shul.

Who is Eliezer Roitblat?

Do you mean
Shenyitza Rebbe? 

Rabbi Eliezer Paltiel Roitblatt was born in Poland. He was an einikel of many great Rebbes i.e. Kozieniec, Zlotchowa ,Prshischa. He was formerly Rabbi of Bogota Columbia. In his later years he opened a BHMD in Boro Park on 51st Street between 9th and 10th Avenues. His SIL Rabbi Meir Weissblum took over [read more]

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Rabbi Sholom Hirsch Adler

About Rabbi Sholom H. Adler – Rabbi Adler is COR’s Director of Industrial Kosher, Kashruth Administrator In Toronto Canada

Who is Rabbi Moshe White?

Rabbi White joined the Edmonton Kollel (map below) in 2005 after the Moose Jaw Community Kollel disbanded. Originally from Queens, New York (where hockey was followed during NBA commercials and before pre-season AA minor league baseball), he studied at Baltimores Ner Israel Rabbinical College where he received his Rabbinical ordination; and at Johns Hopkins, leading to his Masters in Education. The now-wed Rabbi spent five years blending in with the 5,000 other aspiring scholars at Yeshivas Mir in Jerusalem. Rabbi White firmly believes in the kollels credo of “Torah for everyone” – and his popular pre-natal “Torah in the Womb” and his “after 120” classes at the chevra kaddisha are well attended. Rabbi White, his wife Miriam, and their children would be ecstatic to host their Jewish brethren for Shabbat.

Edmonton Kollel