I am allergic to wool. Can I wear Tzitzit?


I am looking for cotton or silk tzitzit (preferably pre-tied) as I am allergic to wool. I was told you may be able to help. Please let me know if you carry these, or know where I can find them. 

Thank you in advance, 


Although many people believe they are allergic to wool, a true wool allergy is rare. If you experience formaldehyde allergy symptoms, such as burning eyes, skin rashes, and chest tightness, look for clothing that’s only lightly treated with resins, such as pure cotton, polyester, nylon, and acrylic.

There are many non-wool Talit katan (tziztit) in the market that made from cotton.

Can I Operate Motorized Shades on Shabbat?

Window Blinds New York – Allow perfect flow of light through your windows, but not invading eyes. As for privacy, Judaism certainly values windows covering to prevent unwanted eyes watching the family and women. For the Jewish woman, modesty is a gift and a validation of her own ability to assess what she wants to share about herself – and when. Roman Shades New York – Roman shades can be made from many different materials, including wood or fabric. Even within the many choices there are more choices as the type of wood is varied as well. Common options include Pirouette and Provenance woven wood, but in reality anything goes. Wood is a very popular material because they create a natural look as well as providing a touch of genuine warmth.

Don’t forget that motorized Shades cannot be used on Shabbat!

The remote is “muktze“.

What is Batel B’Shishim (nullified in 60)?

A mix of two kosher ingredients that can make it kosher or not-kosher depends on if it is “Batel B’Shishim” or nullified in 60 (Hebrew: בטל בשישים), and can apply to:

  • Milk and meat
  • Fish and meat
  • Kosher for Pesach and Chametz (hint: the nullified in 60 is never applied for Passover!)

How is it calculated? 1/60th of the total volume of the food.

I can’t write better than Rabbi Dovid Heber from Star-K kosher:

Chart and many scenarios can be found here

What is Birkat Halevana (bless of the moon)?

Birkat Halevana – Blessing the moon (Hebrew: ברכת הלבנה ) is not a black magic. It is actually one of the three essence of Judaism.

Upon seeing the moon at the beginning of the month one says a blessing called Birkat HaLevana (for the details and text see below). What’s the significance of this Bracha? The Gemara Sanhedrin 42a says that saying Birkat HaLavana is like greeting the Shechina. Beiur Halacha 426:2 explains that by seeing the moon fulfill its mission consistently we recognize Hashem’s might and control over nature. He adds that to emphasize that we only pray to Hashem and the moon is just a tool by which we can recognize Hashem’s strength we say Aleinu afterwards. (See note for more about the significance of this Bracha.

The Laws and the Blessing

I was surprised to find a dedicated website just for the blessing of the moon, it is here >>