Birkat Halevana – Blessing the moon (Hebrew: ברכת הלבנה ) is not a black magic. It is actually one of the three essence of Judaism. Upon seeing the moon at the beginning of the month one says a blessing called Birkat HaLevana (for the details and text see below). What’s the significance of this Bracha? …
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Click here for list of Kosher for Passover Toothpaste List Rav Schwartz (CRC) holds toothpaste does not require hashgachah, but…[Read more] Toothpastes are Kosher because it is not pleasant tasting and not swallowed The most kashrus sensitive ingredient often found in toothpaste is glycerin, which is often animal based, and usually makes up one third …
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For Talitania Catalog Contact us >> To see the catalog click here >> Manufacturer inventory Custom Tailored Prayer Shawls Video About Talitania Talitos Talitnia is a family owned business, established and managed by the Avner family, producing prayer shawls for five generations. The story of the plant starts in the late 19th century in Poland, moves …
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This is the letter we have received from SIKS. We are not vouch for the accuracy of the information. Dear Ekollel Site, Please let us introduce our Kosher Supervision and Certification Organization. The “Kosher-SIKS” (Services International Kosher Supervision Ltd.) mission is to provide Kosher Supervision and Kosher Certification to food industries worldwide, including Kosher Food …
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Advil Gel Warning: According to the Advil web site: Advil Caplets, Tablets, Gel Caplets, and Extra Strength Caplets contain stearic acid (bovine origin); Advil Liqui-Gels and Extra Strength Liqui-Gels contain gelatin (bovine origin). This makes the product not kosher. Bovine is cattle, cow, buffalo etc.
Mintel’s exclusive consumer research shows that 28% of respondents have purchased a kosher product. Obviously, kosher food is not just for people who keep kosher. The products are also of interest to Muslims, Seventh Day Adventists, vegetarians, and people with food allergies. The kosher labeling system provides a clear listing of the contents of a product and …
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Keeping your Kitchen Kosher Separate pot and dish sets & storage with at least one for dairy. Mark drawers with “dairy” and “meat” labels. Recognize the difference of the pots and utensil. E.g. The “dairy” knife if blue. Two separate sinks. Right sink is “dairy” Ovens – double, two singles or stove with a separate …
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Kosher Symbols & Signs. The rules of kashrut dictate which foods and drinks can be eaten, how animals must be slaughtered, and how to separate meat and dairy. Kosher animals are more passive in nature (see Hirsch). Some of these laws are driven by compassion for animals, others have different explanations (such as). A kosher …
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Friday, May 13, 2005 – For the first time, the IDF/AF is dispatching fighter jets to Canada to participate in the Maple Flag exercises which will take place May 15-June 24. They will have 10 F-16s and about 150 air crew in Alberta. The Israeli air force confirmed that it had accepted a Canadian invitation to participate in …
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