Separate pot and dish sets & storage with at least one for dairy. Mark drawers with “dairy” and “meat” labels. Recognize the difference of the pots and utensil. E.g. The “dairy” knife if blue.
Two separate sinks. Right sink is “dairy”
Ovens – double, two singles or stove with a separate oven.
Best oven: “Self cleaning” so you can switch from dairy <–> meat
Cutlery and utensil drawers – double or an extra for dairy
Kashering your kitchen is at least a two-day process. You will need to clean all the elements and then wait 24 hours before kashering them. This goes back to the rule “eino ben yomo”, “not of the day”–a full 24-hour day must pass in order for the various parts of your kitchen to lose any unkosher flavor they might have absorbed. After 24 hours, those flavors are considered ta’am lifgam, having a bad taste. This minimizes the chance that traces of treif [unkosher food] could still contaminate the kitchen while it is being kashered.
k’volo kach polto, an expression that means, literally, “as it is absorbed, so is it purged.”
Libun (=”purify” ) : grill, baking pans used in an oven, or frying pans used to heat oil.
Libun Gamur, “complete purification” : heating a pan or grill until it is red hot. To heat pans until they are red hot usually requires a blowtorch, as your standard oven does not reach temperatures that are hot enough, and this is a procedure most often performed by a rabbi.
Libun Kal, “simple purification” : Heating metal hot enough that paper touching it scorches. When an oven goes through a self-cleaning cycle, it gets this hot. This is a method you might use on a frying pan.
Hag’alah, “scouring” or “scalding,” : pots or flatware that have become treif through contact with hot liquids (show image of the 3 “CHA”: חם, חריף, חמוץ). Hag’alah meansdeeping the item in a large pot of boiling water.
Irui, “infusion,” is kashering by pouring boiling water over something, a method used for countertops and sinks.
Now an arrow go back to ” Keeping your Kitchen Kosher” –> Separate sets, drawers, etc..
2 Replies to “Keeping Your Kitchen Kosher (infographics)”
I had a non observant friend over today who might have made my meat pan with copper interior, meat tfal pan, dairy lid (tfal)and meat plastic ladel not kosher.
I had 2 meat pans in the sink that I used on Friday. One of them, I used to fry chicken cutlet. The other pan I used to boil quinoa. I then filled them up with water but didnt clean them.
Saturday night my friend boiled potatoes in my dairy pot. Then she spilled out the boiled water from the pot into the sink. When I went to see what was going on, I noticed my 2 meat pans in the sink. They were not lying flat but were situated vertically, leaning against the interior of the sink and their handles in the air. Also The lid to the dairy pot was leaning against the meat pot and pan. Also, there was a plastic meat ladel lying in the sink .
I asked my friend “what did you do?” To which she replied, I just spilled the water down the drain.
Now I don’t think the boiled water that she poured went on the pot and pan because of the way they were situated in the sink, but then again I was not there to witness it.
Question: Do I need to do anything with my meat pans and dairy lid and plastic meat ladel?
I’m not a rabbi, I was a “mashgiach”.
To me, since she boiled non-dairy food, it should not be a problem of the things in the sink.
Tfal & plastic cannot be Kashering. Yet, since the food was non-dairy, you better ask a rabbi what to do with the tfal pan and the plastic ladel. You may not need to throw them to garbage.
I had a non observant friend over today who might have made my meat pan with copper interior, meat tfal pan, dairy lid (tfal)and meat plastic ladel not kosher.
I had 2 meat pans in the sink that I used on Friday. One of them, I used to fry chicken cutlet. The other pan I used to boil quinoa. I then filled them up with water but didnt clean them.
Saturday night my friend boiled potatoes in my dairy pot. Then she spilled out the boiled water from the pot into the sink. When I went to see what was going on, I noticed my 2 meat pans in the sink. They were not lying flat but were situated vertically, leaning against the interior of the sink and their handles in the air. Also The lid to the dairy pot was leaning against the meat pot and pan. Also, there was a plastic meat ladel lying in the sink .
I asked my friend “what did you do?” To which she replied, I just spilled the water down the drain.
Now I don’t think the boiled water that she poured went on the pot and pan because of the way they were situated in the sink, but then again I was not there to witness it.
Question: Do I need to do anything with my meat pans and dairy lid and plastic meat ladel?
Please advise
I’m not a rabbi, I was a “mashgiach”.
To me, since she boiled non-dairy food, it should not be a problem of the things in the sink.
Tfal & plastic cannot be Kashering. Yet, since the food was non-dairy, you better ask a rabbi what to do with the tfal pan and the plastic ladel. You may not need to throw them to garbage.
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