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Do Denture, Sea-Bon cleaning tablets need to be Kosher for Passover?

The ingredients in denture cleaners would appear to be chemicals that would make the tablets kosher for passover. Apparently, kitniyos or chametz are not used. Ingredients Dilute sodium hypochlorite (i.e. a mild bleach) is the main constituent of several brands of denture cleanser. Other ingredients include such chemicals as: sodium bicarbonate – or baking soda, …

Kosher Search Engine Project

Welcome to the eKollel Search Engine Project. We brings you up-to-date Rabbinic resources to answer any Kosher, Jewish, Judaism or Israel questions you might have, and receive a reliable response from a member of our staff, or rabbis. We are searching and answer your questions on a daily basis – from the simplest to the …

Is BURBERRY perfume for women kosher for Pesach?

COR Passover guide 2019 says:Perfume, Cologne – make sure that it should not have Chametz-derived alcohol. What if the label says only denatured alcohol ? Some view that as a problem as it usually reversible. This is because the government requirement of “denatured alcohol” just requires that the reverse process be more expensive then just buying liquor. …

How to Install Hebrew Keyboard on Windows & Linux Ubuntu (with Pictures) include Nikkud

Source: Adding Hebrew language to your computer or laptop Several people have asked me recently, “How can I add Hebrew to my Word or PowerPoint documents?”. (You may not know, but I was part of the Microsoft team that wrote the RTL code for its operating system). If you use Microsoft, you have full …