Penalty for misrepresenting product as kosher

Calling a product kosher to has legal ramifications. Printing a trademarked kosher symbol on a product without certification is illegal. Kashruth organisations somewhat routinely catch products misrepresented as kosher. There are various different responses from kosher agency appropriate for each particular case. The only goal of a Kashruth agency is to ensure the integrity of …

How to Install Hebrew Keyboard on Windows & Linux Ubuntu (with Pictures) include Nikkud

Source: Adding Hebrew language to your computer or laptop Several people have asked me recently, “How can I add Hebrew to my Word or PowerPoint documents?”. (You may not know, but I was part of the Microsoft team that wrote the RTL code for its operating system). If you use Microsoft, you have full …

I’m observing Halal, can I eat Kosher or do I become Haram?

Short answer: Yes,  Muslim’s cat eat kosher in peace. Just make sure there is no alcohol in any of the ingredients.  You’re not doing anything wrong, so you will not become Haram. Let’s understand “Halal” and “Haram” What is “halal,” and what is the term “haram,” the opposite term, and why could Muslims “make do” …

Is Cosmetic Plastic Surgery allow By Halacha?

Cosmetic Surgery – Rabbi Chaim Jachter Introduction Last week we introduced the question as to whether Halacha permits cosmetic surgery. We cited rulings by Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Yaakov Breisch who permitted a young woman who was experiencing difficulty finding an appropriate Shidduch to undergo cosmetic surgery to improve her appearance. This week we …