The question I would like to know your perspective on the following: We don’t really poskin that an early Maariv changes (and/or קבלת שבת) the date, do we? (Along the lines of a Terumas haDeshen, if I recall correctly.) There have been times when I have been surprised in both directions (when someone with a …
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Question: Are all the symbols listed by you certified kosher to your standards?Are you affiliated with any better known kosher supervisory board?In other words, how would someone looking at your website know that you are reliable to their standards? Answer: Happy Chanukah,I assume you refer to Or it doesn’t matter for your question. Have …
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For those who don’t know, Harris Teeter is grocery chain on the west coast owned by Kroger. Their soda and drink brands require a proper kosher symbol in order to be kosher. All sodas in general required to be under a hashgacha (see why). Some large known soda brands could be kosher without the symbol …
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Rabbi Eliezer Wolff wrote this for a general Jewish Orthodox audience. The book is slightly dated but all the concepts are richly educational. The topics covered are concise but extensive enough to cover almost every problem or question you might come across. The book was translated into multiple languages including Russian. Translate this page to …
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Montreal Kosher kashruth alert states that all the following products are not kosher until further notice. This list was taken from the MK website.
Two Nordstrom luxury department stores in Toronto offer kosher meals. One in Yorkdale Shopping Mall in North York and one in the Eaton Center downtown. The kosher symbol is COR. The status of the glasses and cutlery should be looked into. Grab & GO (Nordstroms 2nd FL Bar Verde) 260 Yonge St Toronto ON M5B 2L9 …
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Calling a product kosher to has legal ramifications. Printing a trademarked kosher symbol on a product without certification is illegal. Kashruth organisations somewhat routinely catch products misrepresented as kosher. There are various different responses from kosher agency appropriate for each particular case. The only goal of a Kashruth agency is to ensure the integrity of …
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Scroll down for the Kosher List NOT KOSHER POP SODA & BEVERAGES Adina Organic Juice Coolers Arthur’s Smoothies Astix Energy Drink B-52 Energy Drink BibiCaffè Big Red Red Jak concentrate Big Red Red Jak low carb concentrate Dad’s Root Beer
No. They are not all Kosher. Scroll down for list of none-kosher pop soda beverages. KOSHER POP DODA 3C (when bearing OU) 5 Hour Energy Drink Only when bearing the Star K on the label A & W Cream Soda, Root Beer Acme when bearing OU Activate (when bearing OU) Adirondack (when bearing OU) Albertson’s …
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