Zuchter Berk Meat & Dairy Caterers

Facility Airline meals, Baked goods, Bakeries, Banquet Hall, Banquet hall, Bulk food, Butchers/Deli foods, Cakes, Camps/Resorts, Casual, Caterers/Take-Out, Catering services, Cholov Yisroel, Dairy, Gift baskets, Glatt, Kosher Food/Novelty Stores, Meat, Off site functions, Packaged Meat, Packaged poultry, Party facility, Pas Yisroel, Restaurants/Cafes/Take-Out, Salads, Sandwiches, Schools, Senior Services/Residences & Hospitals, Shiva trays, Synagogue Kitchens/Halls, Take-out, Yoshon …

Isaac’s Bakery & Cafe

Food Type Bakeries, Cakes, Catering services, Cholov Yisroel, Dairy, Nut free, Parking, Pas Yisroel, Restaurants/Cafes/Take-Out, Sandwiches, Shiva trays, Whole grain baked goods, Yoshon available Facility Peanut & Nut Free Bakery Address 3390 Bathurst St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6A 2B9(416)789-7587

Cafe Sheli

Facility Baked goods, Casual, Cholov Yisroel, Dairy, Parking, Pas Yisroel, Restaurants/Cafes/Take-Out Address 7700 Bathurst St., Unit 15, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, L4J 7Y3 Phone: (905)762-0640 Website www.dairytreats.com/cafesheli/info.html

Bubby’s Bagels

Facility Baked goods, Cholov Yisroel, Pas Yisroel, Restaurants/Cafes/Take-Out, Take-out, UberEATS, Yoshon Address 3035 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6B 3B5(416)862-8435 Email info@bubbysbagels.com Website www.bubbysbagels.com

Kosher Recipes

Before we post a recipe, we check it. Is it Kosher? Is it delicious? Is it wholesome? Will everyone aba, ima, tatty, zeida and kinderlach enjoy it? If we answer “yes” – it’s good enough to list it here —Enjoy!

I’m observing Halal, can I eat Kosher or do I become Haram?

Short answer: Yes,  Muslim’s cat eat kosher in peace. Just make sure there is no alcohol in any of the ingredients.  You’re not doing anything wrong, so you will not become Haram. Let’s understand “Halal” and “Haram” What is “halal,” and what is the term “haram,” the opposite term, and why could Muslims “make do” …